Шоу-мультитурнир "Золотой Тигр-III"


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Conditions for media accreditation

For accreditation reception on a photo- and a video shooting on Multi-tournament the Gold Tiger - IV interested persons and the organisations are necessary for making an application till September, 24th, 2010 on the electronic address of Organizing committee: repnitsyn@golden-tiger.ru or repnitsyn@mail.ru, in which it is necessary to specify:


1. A full surname, a name, a patronymic of each employee sent on Multi-tournament


2. The organisation name (or to specify the Private person)


3. The return electronic address


On the electronic address specified by you acknowledgement on acceptance on accreditation of the employee, or refusal will come. The organising committee reserves the right to itself to refuse accreditation without assigning any reasons.


In case of reception of the positive decision on the accreditation, it is necessary for accredited employees and private persons to come on registration of mass-media which will take place on September, 29th, 2010 at 17.00 local time to the address: the Central Committee Ural Mountains, street Student's 3, for reception nominal badge. Badge grants to the owner the right of free pass to any platform or Multitournament auditoriums, in any working hours.


Residing of the accredited representatives of mass-media can be carried out in Multi-tournament hotel – Congress hotel Sverdlovsk. The hotel is located directly opposite to the central railway station Sverdlovsk-passenger. The address: street Cheljuskintsev 106, opposite to Ry station, т. (343 214-30-24


From the airport to Ry station the aeroexpress train round the clock goes.